Seoses lähenevate pühadega on saabunud uut informatsiooni liikluse kohta COVID-19 puhangu ajal mõnedes riikides


9 April 2020

· Austria – on 6 April 2020, AISÖ confirmed that in Austria, the weekend and holiday driving ban for trucks over 7.5 tonnes will be suspended until 19 April 2020. However, members should be aware that the sectoral driving bans currently in place in the Tyrol region will remain valid.

· Czech Republic – the applicable driving restrictions on Sundays and Public Holidays are lifted during the period of state emergency.

· France – the applicable driving restrictions on weekends and Public Holidays are lifted until 20 April (further information of the normal applicable bans are available here).

· Germany – the German Federal states’ exemptions on driving bans concern both Sunday and Public Holidays driving bans. The relevant exemptions granted in the Federal States are available here.

· Greece – On 31 March, the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport decided to suspend traffic bans on the movement of trucks from 16 April until 21 April (Orthodox Easter). The suspension will also apply from 30 April until 3 May (weekend of Labour Day).

· Italy - the Italian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure has signed a decree that lifts domestic traffic bans for goods vehicles heavier than 7.5 tonnes from 10 to 14 April. Holiday traffic bans for vehicles carrying out international transport in Italy are also lifted until further notice.

· Portugal – During the Easter period, professional drivers must have a declaration signed by their employer attesting that the driver is performing a transport operation. The declaration aims at preventing the unnecessary movement of people during this Easter period. The form can be downloaded here. The obligation to carry such a document will come into force from 00:00 on 9 April, until 00:00 on 13 April. During this period, the movement of people will only be allowed for professional reasons (freight transport drivers included) or for specific needs (to go to hospital, pharmacies or to buy food).

· Romania – On 4 April, the National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration (CNAIR) lifted driving restrictions on vehicles heavier than 7.5 tonnes on the Ploiesti-Brasov section of DN1 (E60) national road. The measure applies until 16 April. Driving restrictions on the Bucharest-Ploiesti section of DN1 are still in force.

· Spain – The following restrictions are suspended for the entire duration of the state of emergency:

- Week traffic bans for vehicles over 7.5 tonnes

- Weekend and festive bans for ADR vehicles

- Week, festive and weekend bans for abnormal transport

- All traffic bans for transport vehicles in Catalonia and in the Basque Country.

· Slovakia – the Slovak police have lifted driving restrictions for goods vehicles heavier than 3.5 tonnes on 10, 12 and 13 April (please note there are no driving restrictions in place on Saturday).

 Source: IRU members
